Monday, February 22, 2010

Staffing needed for 30 for 30

Hello 30 for 30!

As we approach the final leg of our campaign I am amazed at how nicely things are starting to come together. Today we held Collection Tables on the Warren Patio and in the Warren Vendor Space and collected almost $180.00! If we can do this in just one day, I know that we can make great strides during the next two weeks. There are still several open spots available to staff Collection Tables. We particularly need people to staff tables in Festival and in the Warren Vendor Space (inside, near the mailboxes). Here are the links to the online sign up sheets:


Warren Vendor Space (inside):

Warren Patio (outside):

Thank you all for everything you are doing to help Haiti! If you have any questions about the sign up sheets or the tables in general, please reply to this email or contact me on my cell phone at 240-277-0525. Remember: we are in the home stretch, let's sprint to the finish line!

Marie McDonald