Sunday, January 31, 2010

30 for 30: Strength Through Unity

An organization has formed on JMU's campus with a big goal to raise money for Haiti called "30 for 30: Strength through Unity"

30 for 30 is trying to raise $30k in the next 30 days (Ending February 24th). They have an array of events across campus to help raise money and raise awareness about the disaster in Haiti. They believe that if only 20% of JMU's campus donates at least $5 we can make this goal a reality. They are donating to 3 different organizations with this money:

Partners in Health (doing excellent health-related work around Haiti)

International Partnership of La Gonave (an organization JMU is already deeply involved with through the work of Tacy and O'Connor. Is organized to help with food and provisions)

Fonkoze (an alternative bank that serves the needs of the poor. This sort of institution is critical for Haitians to rebuild their country)

Please join this facebook group to learn more about 30 for 30's events on campus:

Also, check out their new website at:

e-mail to learn more about how to get involved

Monday, January 25, 2010

How can you help Haiti?

Welcome to the JMU Helping Haiti blog sponsored by your Student Government Association!

Please use this blog as a resource for information on how to get involved on campus, to what's happening locally, to what events you can go to, and where you can donate money for Haiti Relief. We encourage JMU groups or students that are planning Haiti events to please let us know via this survey:

The SGA is trying to collaborate and consolidate Haiti Relief initiatives to make sure we can create a strong front as a university to support this cause. Please let us know if we can help you in any of your events and keep us posted with what's going on around campus!

For more information please e-mail Candace Avalos at